Initial Production Check

Case Study - Mold on Nail Files found from the product inspection

Asia quality control

The product inspection in this case is nail files made from compressed composite wood powder. During the inspection, the inspector opened the packaging and noticed white spots on some of the products. The initial assumption was mold, although the products didn't feel noticeably damp, and the spots seemed rather dry. When inquiring with the factory, the staff insisted it was not mold but rather white marks from the friction of fine sand on the surface. Despite not arguing with them, the inspector remained skeptical and decided to conduct a more thorough examination.


The inspector's skepticism proved valid as further inspection revealed some products with a significant mold issue, including evident mold spots on the back. Despite the products being relatively dry, a moldy smell was still noticeable. Faced with this more severe mold problem, the factory gradually acknowledged the reality. Upon questioning the packaging personnel, it was revealed that a portion of the products used inventory from the previous year. The factory, attempting to cut costs, used old stock without rigorous inspection. Consequently, all the already packaged products had to undergo rework.


This case underscores the caution needed when using expired inventory in production, especially for moisture-sensitive products. When such issues arise, our inspectors ensure that clients receive products that not only meet quality standards but are also safe and clean. Our inspection process serves as the client's first line of defense against potential claims, as we focus not only on the product's appearance but also on its inherent quality and safety.








